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Leonardo da Vinci. The Vatican prelature known as Opus Dei is a deeply devout Catholic sect that has been the topic of recent controversy due to reports of brainwashing, coercion, and a dangerous practice known as 'corporal mortification.' Opus Dei has just completed construction of a $47 million World. The Da Vinci Code is a 2003 mystery thriller novel by Dan Brown.It is Brown's second novel to include the character Robert Langdon: the first was his 2000 novel Angels & Demons. The Da Vinci Code follows 'symbologist' Robert Langdon and cryptologist Sophie Neveu after a murder in the Louvre Museum in Paris causes them to become involved in a battle between the Priory of Sion and Opus Dei over.

Bizarre True Facts from...

'The Da Vinci Code'

from DanBrown Website

The Secret Life of Leonardo da Vinci

A prankster and genius, Leonardo da Vinci is widely believed to have hidden secret messages within much of his artwork. Most scholars agree that even Da Vinci's most famous pieces—works like The Mona Lisa, The Last Supper, and Madonna of the Rocks—contain startling anomalies that all seem to be whispering the same cryptic message… a message that hints at a shocking historical secret which allegedly has been guarded since 1099 by a European secret society known as the Priory of Sion.

In 1975, Paris's Bibliothèque Nationale discovered parchments known as Les Dossiers Secrets, identifying numerous members of the Priory of Sion, including Sir Isaac Newton, Victor Hugo, Botticelli, and Leonardo da Vinci. French President, Francois Mitterrand, is rumored to have been a member, although there exists no proof of this.

An Unbroken Code

There exists a chapel in Great Britain that contains a ceiling from which hundreds of stone blocks protrude, jutting down to form a bizarre multi-faceted surface. Each block is carved with a symbol, seemingly at random, creating a cipher of unfathomable proportion.

Modern cryptographers have never been able to break this code, and a generous reward is offered to anyone who can decipher the baffling message. In recent years, geological ultrasounds have revealed the startling presence of an enormous subterranean vault hidden beneath the chapel. This vault appears to have no entrance and no exit. To this day, the curators of the chapel have permitted no excavation.

243 Lexington Avenue, New York

The Vatican prelature known as Opus Dei is a deeply devout Catholic sect that has become controversial recently due to allegations of brainwashing, coercion, and a dangerous practice known as 'corporal mortification.'

Opus Dei has recently completed construction of a $47 million, 133,000-square-foot American Headquarters at 243 Lexington Avenue in New York City (click image right).

Someone is watching you... or are they?

The Louvre Museum in Paris is one of the longest buildings on earth. Walking around the entire perimeter of this horseshoe-shaped edifice is a three-mile journey. Even so, the Louvre's collection of art is so vast that only a fraction of its works can be displayed on the walls. Inside the galleries, a multitude of security cameras watch over visitors.

The number of cameras is so great that a staff of several hundred wardens would be required to monitor all of them. In fact, most of the cameras are fake.

Da Vinci's slap on the wrist

Da Vinci's original commission for his famous Madonna of the Rocks came from an organization known as the Confraternity of the Immaculate Conception, which needed a painting for the centerpiece of an altar triptych in their church of San Francesco Grand in Milan. The nuns gave Leonardo specific dimensions and a desired theme—the Virgin Mary, baby John The Baptist, Uriel, and Baby Jesus sheltering in a cave.

Although Da Vinci did as they requested, when he delivered the work, the group reacted with horror. The painting contained several disturbing 'un-Christian' anomalies, which seemed to convey a hidden message and alternative meaning (click above left image).Da Vinci eventually mollified the confraternity by painting them a second version of Madonna of the Rocks, (click above right image) which now hangs in London's National Gallery under the name Virgin of the Rocks.

Da Vinci's original hangs at the Louvre in Paris.

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In the Louvre, a monk of Opus Dei named Silasapprehends Jacques Saunière, the museum’s curator, and demands toknow where the Holy Grail is. After Saunière tells him, Silas shoots himand leaves him to die. However, Saunière has lied to Silas aboutthe Grail’s location. Realizing that he has only a few minutes tolive and that he must pass on his important secret, Saunière paintsa pentacle on his stomach with his own blood, draws a circle withhis blood, and drags himself into the center of the circle, re-creatingthe position of Da Vinci’s Vitruvian Man. He alsoleaves a code, a line of numbers, and two lines of text on the groundin invisible ink.

A police detective, Jerome Collet, calls Robert Langdon,the story’s protagonist and a professor of symbology, and asks himto come to the Louvre to try to interpret the scene. Langdon doesnot yet realize that he himself is suspected of the murder.

After murdering Saunière, Silas calls the “Teacher” andtells him that, according to Saunière, the keystone is in the Churchof Saint-Sulpice in Paris. The Teacher sends Silas there. Silasfollows Saunière’s clues to the keystone’s location and discoversthat he has been tricked. In a fit of rage, he kills Sister SandrineBieil, the church’s keeper and a sentry for the Priory of Sion.At the Louvre, Langdon meets Jerome Collet and Bezu Fache, the policecaptain, and realizes that the two policemen suspect him of themurder.

Sophie Neveu, an agent of the department of cryptologyand Saunière’s granddaughter, arrives at the crime scene and tellsLangdon that he must call the embassy. When Langdon calls the number Sophiegave him, he reaches her answering service. The message warns Langdonthat he is in danger and should meet Sophie in the bathroom at theLouvre.


In the bathroom, Sophie shows Langdon that Fache is notinghis movements with a tracking device. She throws the device outthe window onto a passing truck, tricking the police into thinkingthat Langdon has escaped from the Louvre.

Sophie also tells Langdon that the last line in the secretmessage, “P.S. Find Robert Langdon,” was her grandfather’s way ofalerting her: P.S. are the initials of her grandfather’s nicknamefor her, Princesse Sophie. Langdon thinks thatP.S. might stand for Priory of Sion, an ancient brotherhood devotedto the preservation of the pagan goddess worship tradition, andto the maintenance of the secret that Saunière died protecting.

Langdon decodes the second and third lines in Saunière’smessage: “Leonardo Da Vinci! The Mona Lisa!” Sophiereturns to the paintings to look for another clue. The police havereturned to the Louvre as well, and they arrest Langdon. Sophiefinds a key behind the Madonna of the Rocks. Byusing the painting as a hostage, she manages to disarm the policeofficer and get herself and Langdon out of the building.

As Sophie and Langdon drive toward the Swiss bank identified onthe back of the key, Langdon explains the history of the Prioryof Sion and their armed force, the Knights Templar. He reveals thatthe Priory protects secret documents known as the Sangreal,or the Holy Grail. Langdon’s latest manuscript is about this verysubject.

When Sophie and Langdon enter the bank, an unnamed security guardrealizes that they are fugitives and calls the police, but André Vernet,the bank’s manager and a friend of Saunière’s, recognizes Sophieand helps her and Langdon escape. Sophie and Langdon figure outthat the number left near Saunière’s body must be the account numberthat will open the vault. When they open the vault they find a cryptex,a message delivery device designed by Da Vinci and crafted by Saunière.The cryptex can only be opened with a password.

Vernet successfully smuggles Sophie and Langdon past Colletin the back of a locked armored car. Vernet turns on them, but they manageto get away with the cryptex, which Langdon realizes is actuallythe Priory keystone—that is, the key to all of the secrets the Prioryholds about the location of the Holy Grail.

Langdon and Sophie go to the house of Sir Leigh Teabing,a historian, to ask for his help opening the box. Teabing tellsthem the legend of the Grail, starting with the historical evidencethat the Bible didn’t come straight from God but was compiled byEmperor Constantine. He also cites evidence that Jesus’ divinitywas decided by a vote at Nicaea, and that Jesus was married to MaryMagdalene, who was of royal blood, and had children by her. Teabingshows them the hidden symbols in The Last Supper andthe painted representation of the Magdalene. He tells them thatthe Holy Grail is actually Mary Magdalene’s body and the documentsthat prove Mary’s blood line is related to Jesus. He says he thinksSaunière and the others may have been killed because the Churchsuspected that the Priory was about to unveil this secret.

As Langdon is showing off the cryptex, Silas appears andhits him over the head. Silas holds Sophie and Teabing at gunpointand demands the keystone, but Teabing attacks Silas, hitting himon the thigh where his punishment belt is located, and Sophie finisheshim off by kicking him in the face. They tie Silas up.

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Collet arrives at the castle, but Sophie, Langdon, thebound Silas, Teabing, and his servant, Rémy, escape and board Teabing’sprivate plane to England. Sophie realizes that the writing on thecryptex is decipherable if viewed in a mirror. They come to understandthe poem, which refers to “a headstone praised by Templars” andthe “Atbash cipher,” which will help them arrive at the password.Langdon remembers that the Knights Templar supposedly worshipped thegod Baphomet, who is sometimes represented by a large stone head.The word, unscrambled by the Atbash Cipher, is Sofia.When they open the cryptex, however, they find only another cryptex,this one with a clue about a tomb where a knight was buried by apope. They must find the orb that should have been on the knight’stomb.


Fache realizes that Teabing and the rest of them are inthe jet. He calls the British police and asks them to surround theairfield, but Teabing tricks the police into believing that thereis nobody inside the plane but himself. Then he goes with Sophie,Langdon, Rémy, and Silas to the Temple Church in London, the burialsite of knights that the Pope had killed.

Rémy frees Silas and reveals that he, too, follows theTeacher. Silas goes to the church to get the keystone, but whenhe tries to force Langdon to give it up, Langdon threatens to breakit. Rémy intervenes, taking Teabing hostage and thus forcing Langdonto give up the cryptex.

Meanwhile, Collet and his men look through Teabing’s house andbecome suspicious when they find that he has been monitoring Saunière.Over the phone, the Teacher instructs Silas to let Rémy deliverthe cryptex. The Teacher meets Rémy in the park and kills him. TheTeacher calls the police and turns Silas in to the authorities.As Silas tries to escape, he is shot, and he accidentally shootshis idol, Bishop Aringarosa.

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Silas takes Bishop Aringarosa to the hospital and staggersinto a park, where he dies. In the hospital the next day, Aringarosabitterly reflects that Teabing tricked him into helping with hismurderous plan by claiming that if the Bishop delivered the Grailto him, he would help the Opus Dei regain favor with the Church.

Sophie’s and Langdon’s research leads them to the discoverythat Sir Isaac Newton is the knight they are looking for, the oneburied by a Pope, because they learn he was buried by AlexanderPope. They go to Westminster Abbey, where Newton is buried. There,the Teacher lures them to the garden with a note saying he has Teabing. Theygo there only to discover that Teabing himself is the Teacher. Teabingsuspected that Saunière had decided not to release the secret ofthe Priory of Sion, because the Church threatened to kill Sophieif the secret was released. Wanting the secret to be public knowledge,he had decided to find the Grail himself.

Teabing gives Langdon the cryptex and asks Langdon and Sophieto help him open it. Langdon figures out that the password is apple—theorb missing from Newton’s tomb. He opens the cryptex and secretlytakes out the papyrus. Then he throws the empty cryptex in the air,causing Teabing to drop his pistol as he attempts to catch it andprevent the map inside from being destroyed. Suddenly, Fache burstsinto the room and arrests Teabing.

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The papyrus inside the second cryptex directs Sophie andLangdon to Scotland, where Sophie finds her brother and her grandmother.During the reunion, she discovers that her family is, indeed, ofthe bloodline of Jesus and Mary Magdalene. Sophie and Langdon part,promising to meet in Florence in a month. Back in Paris, Langdoncomprehends the poem, which leads him to the small pyramid builtinto the ground in the Louvre, where he is sure the Grail must behidden.