Saltmarsh Dmg 2

Saltmarsh Dmg 2
I have the first one downloaded (legally, I might add) and a print copy on the way bought off eBay (since the PDF from RPGnow prints out rather fuzzily -- it's the fault of the scan, I think, since other stuff prints well).
This starts things out pretty well. I'm curious to know about the rest of the Saltmarsh series. How does it stack up?
It's either this or Reptile God for my C&C players, I think. I've tried to find a copy of Night's Dark Terror (I believe), but all the copies I can find except one are missing bits hither and yon. The one with all the bits is damned expensive.

Images For Saltmarsh Dmg 2

You use a 1.5 rather than a 2.0 multiplier. The 5400 ajusted XP puts it between 'hard' and 'deadly'. In my experience, the addition of that sixth party member is a significant benefit to any party. (I have a memory of hearing that the encounter math in the DMG is based on a 4 PC party, as an estimate, I can't find where I had heard that. Saltmarsh, which was surveyed in 2012 as part of the Scottish Saltmarsh Survey (Strachan, 2012a). The distribution of saltmarsh is shown in Figures 2 and 3. It was described as follows: Kentra Bay is a large, semi-enclosed tidal bay, 2 km west of Acharacle in the west of Lochaber. Wed Jun 03, 2009 2:43 pm Hey thanks all! Oh Gosh, I forgot all about the Saltmarsh update in the DMG II. It's not really to my tastes though - a bit too high fantasy.