Rune Factory 4 Memories Event

This walkthrough contains five main parts: Storyline, dungeons walkthrough, easy outs (easy ways to make money, complete requests, etc.) and character events (required to marry that person)

  1. Rune Factory 4 Dylas Events
  2. Rune Factory 4 Shiny Memories Event
  3. Rune Factory 4 Memories Event Walkthrough
  4. Rune Factory 4 Arthur Events
  5. Rune Factory 4 Memories Event
  6. Rune Factory 4 Town Events

Rune Factory 4 Special puts you in the place of a traveler on their way to deliver a gift to a “god,” however on your way you get into a fight with a few soldiers and awaken without your memories. If you do not like dialogue and random events, Rune Factory 4 is not for you but if you do, it is even more packed with special surprises than any previous game in the series. Apart from the many little mini-dialogues and events that occur between characters randomly, there are new tips from minor characters that I discover even now.


WARNING! Spoilers ahead, but in order.
The story begins with the camera showing the top of an airship. This is where you can tell that the game is going to be vastly different from previous Rune Factory games (except maybe RF1) because they have never had this advanced technology.

Rune Factory 4 Dylas Events

You have the choice to either say 'I'm flyin' high, baby!' or 'Goodness, I'm so high up!'
Choosing the first will make your character a boy, and choosing the second will make your character a girl. There is absolutely no difference between them in regular game play, except whom you can marry.
Once you have finalized your gender, there is a brief description of the flight, and your location. Then, the camera pans down to the main deck of the airship. You seem to be very impatient about getting to Selphia, most likely because you have a mysterious piece of rare cargo.
You are supposed to deliver it to the Dragon 'god' while you are there, for some unknown reason.
After a short discussion with the captain, the barrels next to you begin to speak! It appears that two people (one outranking the other) are after your precious cargo! One of them is a complete idiot, and almost manages to get both of the thieves caught.
The break out of their barrels, and demand that you hand over 'the thing you're about to give to the Native Dragon'
A short description is given as to how to open the bag and equip the broadsword. Basically, you have to fight the bandits. They are very easy to defeat though, and won't pose that much of a threat.
You pull out the mystery item after defeating the soldiers, and wonder how they knew about it. The object in question seems to be a blue orb that is on releasing light.
One of the soldiers gets up and slashes you in the head, knocking the object out of your hands, and off of the ship.
You wake up, and find the soldiers demanding for the object, but you have no idea what they are talking about. They accuse you of putting on the act of being clueless, but you say that you really don't know what is going on.
The one soldier suggests that to get you to drop the charade, they threaten your safety. So, the idiotic soldier grabs you and holds you near the edge of the airship. A misunderstood order of 'threaten to push her over...NO! Don't actually push her over!' results in you falling to your death from hundreds of feet in the air.
Luckily, you fall through the roof of a castle, and onto the 'soft' back of the native dragon, Ventuswill. She is so shocked that she forgets to speak in an 'honorable' manner, and is instead casual. She immediately regrets the mistake.
An insane butler (Volkanon) then charges in, inquiring about the loud crashing noises that he heard. His mood changes quite a bit in the next scene. First, he is preparing to fight you. Ventuswill explains that you being here is an accident and that you pose no threat. Then he is confused, then apologetic.
You then have a chance to put in your name. If you are a boy, the default name is 'Lest' and if you are a girl, the default name is 'Frey'. You state your name followed with an 'I think...'
Ventuswill demands for a clear answer, and you admit that you can't remember anything but your own name. Volkanon and Ventuswill are both shocked by this. The dragon decides that you are telling the truth about your amnesia.
There is then another extreme mood swing for Volkanon, and he hugs you while crying. That was like 5 mood swings in 1 minute. Honestly, the guy reminds me of another strong, easily moved and kind man (though the other one takes off his shirt a lot more, and has an insane curl. if you haven't guessed who I am talking about by now, you must not have watched the show)
Volkanon comes up with the idea that you are the prince/princess that they have been expecting, and Ventuswill agrees. You tell both about what happened on the airship (from what you can remember) and Venti concludes that rebels are the cause. She also believes that you lost your memory from the shock of the fall.
The dragon orders Volkanon to prepare a room for you in the castle. You argue that you have no intent of staying here, but Ventuswill finally convinces you to stay.
Ventuswill asks if you remember the manner of speaking that she used earlier, and you admit that you did. Frustrated, she says that there is nothing she can do about it now, and that she shall just speak casually to you.
Volkanon comes back and tells you that your room is ready, addressing you as 'Lord Arthur'.
You deny being royalty, and insist that your name is the one that you typed in earlier.
Note: The following only applies if you are a girl. Theses are just a few funny things that I would like to discuss;
-Though he calls you 'Lord Arthur' he then says 'I heard that the name of the Princess if Arthur'
-You then acknowledge that 'First of all, isn't Arthur a boy's name?'
-Venti calls you an 'inconsiderate cur' which means (I had to look it up) a cowardly person, or a mongrel dog.

Volkanon goes through a quick tutorial about your room and the items in it. This is pretty self-explanatory.
Once you are able to move on your own, note that you have almost no HP from falling onto Venti, so make sure to go to sleep before doing anything else.
Volkanon explains that if your HP hits zero, you will be sent to the clinic. This would be a good time to explain that; the best time to go into dungeons where you could faint is during the afternoon. That is the time when Nancy is running the clinic, and she gives you a check-up for free, but Dr. Jones charges you a great amount of money (he is there in the early morning and evening)
After going to bed, you are woken up by Clorica and there is a short animation of her. For more info on Clorica, go to the 'Marriage Candidates' section.
This just happens to be her favorite item, and gifting it will increase your heart/friend levels with her by a lot.
After eating the pie (mandatory), go out through the back door. Once you walk out, you are greeted by Vishnal, another marriage candidate, and are shown a short animation.
Vishnal is a bit odd (the best way to put it) and states that your name is a 'noble name! As noble as a Turnip!' Vishnal will then show you how to tend to your fields.
Till, plant, and water the seeds that Vishnal gives you. He then asks you to name the farm. The default name is 'Selphia' but that is a bit plain. The tutorial is ended when Vishnal says that Venti has been calling you. Go see Venti.
The dragon remarks that you really are an Earthmate. When you ask what that is, she tells you that they can communicate with the earth and with monsters. Venti then tries to bring back your memory with her power, but ultimately fails.
You two begin to argue again about whether or not you are a prince/princess. You go out to the town and ask around to see if anyone knows about your identity. Luckily, this is done for you, and you don't actually have to do it. Plus, there is no dialogue exchanged that you can see.
You come back disappointed that no one recognized you. Venti suggests that you make a new life in the town if you can't find your old memories.
Then, the REAL prince comes in, introducing himself as Arthur D. Lawrence, the 13th Prince of Norad Kingdom.
This puts both you and Venti in a bind, because the living area prepared for the prince is currently occupied by you. You have a short 'I told you so' moment with Venti. She tells Arthur that you only claimed to be the princess/prince, and now are staying in his quarters.
You tell Arthur that you will stay at the inn, but he insists that you should stay in your current room. He then asks if you will trade places with him and act as representative of Norad. Suddenly, you are royalty.
You are confused at first, but once you process the information, you are shocked.
You are given the choice of what to say; 'Give me a day' , 'No way' or 'Bow before me peasants'. Surprisingly, the correct answer is the last one listed here.
Arthur goes off to find a place to stay, and you discuss the duties of royalty with Ventuswill. Go check the request box, to find that it speaks! Its name is Eliza. Eliza was made from the wood of the Sharance tree (RF3) so that is probably why she is magical.
Do the first quest, talk to all of the towns foke, and that's it for the intro!
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~


Here are some easy ways to make A LOT of money:

-Cooking: Cooking can literally make you TONS of money. Once you can make level 10 recipes and on, the worth of the food items gets to be over one thousand per food item. This is how you can make money off of this; befriend some buffamoo and cluckadoos so that you can collect their eggs and milk. Then go buy some flour. It will be a little expensive, but you will make more than double in profit. You may also need to buy other things like sweet powder, strawberries, or apples. If you need to you can grow these ingredients, ship them, and they will appear in the shop. It takes a while, but if you collect ingredients from your monsters daily, turn the milk into butter, then cook something (cookie, choco cookie, cake, chocolate cake, and apple pie work best). Sell your food item by shipping it or selling it in the story (which is even better,) if you have multiple of the food item, you can make tens of thousands in a matter of days.
-Monster Feed: Go to mamadoo cave (located south of the town through the mushroom forest). There should be feed on the ground. Ignoring the giant chickens, slash the grass with your scythe, and you should get Monster feed seed. Plant it. Monster feed can be harvested more than once. At least one of the times you harvest it, another monster feed seed should pop out too. Plant that. Keep on harvesting, and collecting and planting seeds. In up to a month (game time) your whole field is filled with monster feed. You can just ship the stuff that you don't give to your monsters. This can provide about 5-10 thousand dollars a day, and you got this without paying a cent.
-Crops: Some crops have more than one harvest. Just keep the soil fertile, and you can keep on harvesting multiple crops. It will increase your money at a surprisingly fast rate. Some examples that work well are cucumbers, green peppers, monster feed, strawberries, and pumpkins.
Factory-Trees: You can get the seeds for FREE daily at the cedar tree 2 screens west and 2 screens north of Obsidian mansion entrance. Grow these and once grown they will produce fruit daily (1-9 fruit) and then you can sell that. Also; trees don't get uprooted in hurricanes or blizzards once they are full grown.

Rune Factory 4 Shiny Memories Event

-Fesitvals: During White day and Valentines day fesitvals, people will give you cookies. Keep these and instead of eating/re gifting them, sell them. You will make a huge profit.
-Weapons: Mining is free, and though forging consumes RP, you can make a lot of money off of high level weapons.

Rune Memories is the sequel to Rune Mysteries. In the quest, the player helps Ariane save the Wizards' Tower and learns much about the Wizards' Tower's history. 1 Official description 2 Walkthrough 2.1 Return to the Tower 2.2 The Teleportation Problem 2.3 The Meeting of the Head Wizards 2.4 Memories of the Abyss 2.5 The Teleportation Debate 2.6 Beaming 2.7 The Burning Tower 3 Rewards 4. CurrentlyPlaying: Rune Factory 4, Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate (3DS), Animal Crossing (Dream Code: 4100-2455-0761 for MH monster icon t-shirts) User Info: Karin18 Karin18 7 years ago #5.

! If you don’t want to miss anything the event should always have first priority, follow all the steps for the day before you do anything else !

For more information on how to trigger events check RopeMaidenKirie’s post on the Ushi no Tane forum!

Day 1. Talk to Kiel

➤ Talk to Forte

Day 2. Talk to Forte

➤ Talk to Xiao Pai

➤ Talk to Lin Fa

➤ Talk to Porcoline

➤ Talk to Margaret

Day 3. Talk to Kiel

➤ Talk to Bado

➤ Go to the airship and watch the scene

➤ Talk to Jones & Nancy

➤ Talk to Forte

➤ Talk to Volkanon

➤ Talk to Clorica

➤ Go to the Obsidian Mansion via airship and watch the scene

Day 4. Talk to Kiel

Rune Factory 4 Memories Event Trigger

➤ Follow him to the Blacksmith

Day 5. Talk to Kiel

➤ Talk to Forte

➤ Talk to Arthur

➤ Talk to Bado

Day 6. Go to the Blacksmith

Rune Factory 4 Memories Event Walkthrough

➤ Talk to Kiel

➤ Follow him to the castle

➤ Talk to Forte

➤ Talk to Nancy

➤ Walk in front of Kiel & Forte’s house and watch the scene

➤ Follow Kiel and talk to him

➤ Talk to Arthur

Day 7. Talk to Forte

Rune Factory 4 Memories Event

Rune Factory 4 Arthur Events

➤ Check on Kiel in the clinic


➤ Talk to Bado and go to the Blacksmith

Rune Factory 4 Memories Event

➤ Go to the clinic

➤ Talk to Kiel

➤ Talk to Forte and watch the scene

➤ Go to the airship

Happy Marriage! :D

Rune Factory 4 Town Events