Pubg Pc Lite Download

PUBG PC Free Download, also known as Brendan Greene, is regarded as the pioneer of the cool battle royale genre and the creator of the same game modes in the ARMA series with H1Z1: King of the Kill. At PUBG Corp., Greene worked hard with a team of veteran developers to bring back the first battle royale experience to PUBG players. Pubg Game is not only a game, but this is also a revolution in the field of gaming. For the very first time, any game has made such a huge buzz around it and also successfully gained the popularity among the youth and the kids of today’s generation.

Hello, friends today ill show you how to download pubg pc lite for free and how to install pubg pc lite. So, let’s get started.

As you know pubg game is a very popular and famous game. Pubg game became very popular in a short period.

PUBG (PlayerUnknown’s Battlegrounds) is an online multiplayer battle royal game. Pubg has a huge number of downloads on Playstore also.

Pubg has 3 versions that really very popular:

Pubg pc lite download size
  1. PUBG PC
  3. PUBG PC Lite

Pubg pc is a paid version. You need to buy pubg pc if you want to play.

Pubg mobile is a free mobile version that most gamers like it.

Pubg pc lite is a free lite version of pubg pc. Specially made for low-end PCs.

How To Download PUBG PC Lite

To download pubg pc lite you need to download pubg pc lite setup file from its official website and need to create a free account. To do so please follow the below guide.

  • Go to the official website or click on the below download button.
  • Run the setup file.
  • Select your installation directory or leave it to the default location.
  • Run the program and log in with your Facebook id or create a new account.
  • Select your date of birth and click on create my account.
  • Then click on install (minimum data download 2.3GB).
  • After the installation clicks on start game and enjoy.

If you have any problem with starting the game or if you getting some error, then please download the below-required program.

Please Download The Required Programs

Microsoft Visual C++

DirectX 11

.NET Framework 4.5.2

Driver Download

Nvidia Graphics

INTEL Graphics


Pubg pc lite download windows 7

For more information, you can watch below video for step by step guide.

PUBG PC Lite System Requirements

As you know pubg pc is required for a good system configuration to run the game, but pubg pc lite is specially made for low-end PCs.


Its a best for pc gamers who want to play pubg pc for free. Its a lite version and need minimum hardware to run the game. This game small in size and also graphics quality was very good.

Minimum System RequirementsRecommended System Requirements
OS Window 7,8,10, 64bit
CPU Core i3 2.4GHz
GPUIntel HD Graphics 4000
OS Window 7,8,10, 64bit
CPU Core i5 2.8GHz
GPU NVIDIA Geforce GTX 660 / AMD Radeon HD 7870

PUBG PC Lite Features

So, guys its a lite version with well optimize. It has many features that you like. It does not need a heavy-duty gaming pc to run the game. So that many users download pubg pc lite.

  • Feature
  • Free to Play
  • High-Resolution Graphics
  • Realistic Sound Effects
  • Minimal Technical Specification
  • Less Storage Required
  • Free To Download

Pubg Pc Download Windows 10


Pubg Pc Lite Download Free

So, friends, I hope that you were able to download pubg pc lite for free. If you have any questions or doubts then please ask in the comment section. If you found this is helpful please share it with others.

For more PUBG tips keep visiting our blog.

Pubg Mobile Pc Download

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